"Vibroacoustics - Harmonize Your Life with Sound" by Stephen Deuel
After 18 years, we finally published volume one of our book. I hope you enjoy. The soft cover version ($20) and free down…
NBC in New York's Pat Battle did a wonderful piece on the special Veterans programs at
Tournesol Wellness in NYC. Yoga and their InnerSoul Liquid Sound Table are featured. Click for the vid…
Dr. Carlos Perez, D.C. has had one of our InnerSoul Sound Tables for just over a year. His Chiroparactic practice is located in Merrimack, NH at SOMA Holistic Therapy Center. Patti Schippani, LM…
I was surprised to find a magazine article about a Friend, her Sound Table and her Healing Practice... Look for "The Physics of Energy... When two minds connect" pgs 24 -27Here is a link …
I was talking to Dr. Shawn Centers of the Osteopathic Center for Children and Families in San Diego recently. The Center specialized in digestive problems of the
newborn e.g. difficulty sucking or v…