More than a Business … It’s a Calling … It is our Lifestyle.

More than a Business … It’s a Calling … It is our Lifestyle.

More than a Business … It’s a Calling … It is our Lifestyle.

On our website, we have our story as to how we got involved with making sound tables. We talk about how vibroacoustics has helped Deborah deal with the pain and spasms of having Dystonia and how it became a business. Recently we shared the statement that this is more than just a business for us, that it is a calling or our purpose. Well it is even more than a passion for producing vibroacoustics products to assist others … it is part of our everyday lifestyle. I like to share what that looks like during a typical day.

First thing in the morning I sit down at my desk to check email and plan my day. I have a SubPac (a small vibroacoustic pad) on the floor under my feet. I run VAT Frequencies in it every morning such as Foot or Knee, Organ Tune Up, Immune System Boost. Then during our morning meetings, I sit in our Sound Chair and quietly run other Frequencies through the chair and into my body. Depending on how I am doing – Immune system boost, Bio-Balance, CBD, Sciatica, Pirformis Muscle, or Pineal. Deborah sits comfortably using her vibroacoustic pillow that she can apply directly to areas where the spasms are occurring and runs various frequencies to meet her needs. We discuss the agenda for the day, while taking care of the needs of our bodies. VAT Frequencies are only one aspect of what can be utilized in our sound tables, mat or chair. They enhance the experiencing of many types of music as well.

At some point during the day, I do my best to make time to lay down on the Liquid Sound Table to listen and feel some Vibroacoustic Music. Recently, I have been playing Chris Deuel’s “Inner Alignment” – a 16 minute track that cleans up and balances the Major Chakras along with a number of minor ones. On days when I have a bit longer to spare, I sometimes play one of Tom Kenyon’s Hathor transmissions.

When Tom Kenyon introduced the Regenesis track, I played it through the table. Within minutes it was as if the Liquid Sound Table transported to a Light Ship with the Regenesis device (Tom had described in his newsletter) working on me. Since that experience, when I ‘ride the table’ with other music, I often feel that same experience of the Regenesis devise – as if the Light and Sound encoding from that track had added another dimension to the table.

That brings us back to this morning. While having our meeting, I in the sound chair and Deb using her pillow, we started chatting about how chaotic things were getting in the world, among other things, and the challenges Deb was having as an empath coping with the energies. Deb was relating information from a ‘dream’ she had early this morning about her travelling between the worlds and finding ways to handle the energy easier. I was moved to check my email from my phone and there was an email from Tom & Judi - A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon.

They talked about the chaos going on and had a new Sound Tool – The Aetherium, which has Light and Sound Codes to help deal with this chaos. While I was reading the message out loud to Deb, I had a knowing that the Aetherium would be wonderful in the table. After our chat, I downloaded the 16 minute mp3 and burned it to a cd, copying it so that it would repeat 5 times and fill the cd. Then I got on the sound table with headphones. The Light and Sound Codes were transmitted into my being through the sound in the headphones as well as directly into my cells through the table. During the second time it played, I thought that someone had opened the blackout curtains and turned on the lights. Even through closed eyes, I was seeing so much light. After a while I opened my eyes to check, the room was dark. : )I ended up playing it three times in total and I was altered in a very connected and wonderful way when I got up from the table.

Deb went on the table and listened and felt it through her body. After about 45 minutes she came out of her meditative state and felt the best she had in weeks. Although she sleeps well most nights, with the energies of the time, she awakes tired and aware of much inner travel and activity. She got off the table and was calm, relaxed and feeling less like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. A feeling that has stayed with her so far as to the writing of this. The timing of receiving this information was perfect and rather commonplace in our lives.

I have been aware of the Hathor’s presence in my life for many years. I was aware of the Hathor’s influence on the creation of our tables, especially the liquid sound table. It is no wonder that the Hathor’s Sound Tools are wonderfully synergetic with the sound table and are incredible on their own. If you have an opportunity to experience them in a vibroacoustic table, chair or mat, please give them a try.

So this is a glimpse into how Deborah and I live our lives and the role vibroacoustics plays in enhancing our quality of life…. more than just a business. - Stephen Deuel, Managing Director, Inner Soulutions