Q. What kind of feedback do you have from previous customers?
A. We have posted a page with various comments about our tables. Click here to view it.
Q. Is there any place that I can try a table or receive a VAT session?
A. We have a partial list of "public" VAT or Vibroacoustic Sound Tables that we have made. Click to check out locations
Many of the 800+ are in private spaces and are not listed. If you want to be listed, please let me know - Stephen
Q. Can I use my own frequencies / music in your sound tables or do I have to use only yours?
A. YES. When I started out so many years ago, I realized that if I tried to control the tables so that they could only use proprietary tracks, Vibroacoustics would not grow anywhere as much as it has. You can play anything from the Solfeggio frequencies to Mickey Hart in them.
Our VAT Frequencies and VAT Music were created with a sound table in the studio, tested while being created. They are optimized to take full advantage of our sound tables.
Q. Do I need Headphones?
A. Headphones are not recommended for listening to VAT Frequencies as they are created to be felt in the body.
Other things may be listened to while the VAT Frequencies are in the table – meditations, music, audio books, Binaurals, podcasts, etc.
When playing VAT Music in the tables, headphones provide good audio in sync with the table. They also help with isolation from outside noise.
Q. What are the New Advanced Technology Transducers?
A. These transducers produce vibrations in the table that are incredibly accurate and smooth. The transducers are exceptionally reliable and produce very little heat, unlike inexpensive transducers. They can produce accurate vibration from below 25 to over 1000 Hz. as well as sound well over 20 kHz. The energy is delivered so cleanly that the brain interprets the stimulus as Sound, not Shaking™. They also are able to produce a strong vibration without the volume being excessively high – more like background music. The Clark transducers (which we used in earlier models) tended to be louder than the new technology transducers at the same vibration level which we find to be one of the advantages of the new transducers.
Q. Are transducers like speakers?
A. Audio speakers are meant to produce sound. They are made to produce sound pressure waves that move through the air and that we hear and sometimes feel - such as subwoofers in cars with the volume turned way up. A transducer’s primary function is to take the same audio input as a speaker and turn it into physical vibration. Secondarily, sound is produced. Our transducers produce very good sound unlike lower quality transducers. Our high end transducers are highly accurate and reliable. They also produce very little heat, unlike inexpensive transducers.
Q. Why use Transducers with such a great range of vibration?
Don't most sound tables use transducers that are effective just in the 20 - 100 hz range?
A. The work of James Gimzewski of UCLA has shown that the cells of our bodies ’sing’ to each other, a form of intracellular communication. The song examples analyzed were all fairly mid-range in character, lying roughly in the range 100 to 1000 Hertz. ... I would say that if we wish to ‘feed’ our cells with sound, the important upper limit seems to end somewhere around 1000 Hz.
Vibroacoustic harp Therapists – VAHT ™ are able to let their clients feel the sound throughout nearly the whole spectrum of their harps with these transducers.
I started my Sound Healing journey in the mid 1980’s using tuning forks to clear and balance the chakras using frequencies in the 200+ to 600- Hz range. Solfeggio Frequencies are up to 900+ Hz and the Planetary Frequencies are over 200 Hz. There are many other frequencies over 100 Hz that we can benefit from not only hearing but feeling. The transducers we use allow for us to feel and absorb these healing vibrations with all of the cells in our bodies, not just through our ears.
Q. Can I use an MP3 Player?
A. Many people use an Ipod, Ipad, smart phone, laptop or MP3 player as the source for their Sound Tables or Chairs. I have found newer mp3 players with ‘Line Out” work well. They work well with higher quality mp3 tracks like ours. This is what we are using at present with our sound tables.
Q. What do I need to play my harp through a Sound Table or Sound Chair (VAHT™)?
A. Think of the Table or Chair as speakers. The speakers (or transducers in this case) need an amp to drive them with a good hot signal.
The sound source, your harp, needs a pickup to convert the sound into a signal that will work with the Chair's amplifier. You will need a Preamp (Fishman, Crate, etc) or a small mixer (they have a preamp) to boost the signal from your harp to give the Table or Chair’s amplifier a strong enough signal that is input into it.
Small mixers work great for this application. The preamp lets you boost the harp's signal; the EQ lets you sculpt the sound for your chair and there is a stereo output that matches up with the amplifier. It also allows you to add accompaniment with cd, mp3, etc. music or VAT Frequencies.
Q. Will the Liquid Sound Table work with Rife frequencies?
We made Liquid Sound Tables and chairs for the RASHA which used them along with their photon tubes from 2018 – 2022. They worked well together according to practitioners.
Q. Do you import your tables from the Far East?
A. No. We build most of our tables for you here in western New York - in the US. We have been working with Sound and Energy Healing since 1986 and our clients that are aware of energy appreciate that I still finish wiring our tables under our pyramid. These tables are produced from our hearts and with your Intent as well as our intent to raise the consciousness of any who touch them. We are doing what we love – it is what lets our hearts sing. We have created over 800 tables that are on five continents for a variety of clients from 5 star spas to Grammy winners to private massage therapists to individuals who just want to be aided in stress or pain reduction ... and everyone in between.
We have entered into an agreement with a No. California massage table manufacturer who creates the base structure of our folding tables in the US for us. We then take the shell, change out the plywood diaphragm and mount our transducers. Then finish, wire and test each table individually.
Q. What is the difference between your Sound Tables and some of the others?
A. Most of our competitors have products which are mass produced in the Far East.
I have been building Sound Tables for about 25 years and I have become very good at it : ) We focus on providing the best user experience possible with our Sound Tables and we take great care to ensure that they will serve you for many years to come. We build our Liquid Sound Tables and Stationary Sound Tables here in the US for you. We use high quality, ($350 each) accurate transducers (25 - over 1000 hz tactile and audible up to 20k Hz) in our Sound Tables. These new technology transducers require less power - more vibration with less sound, so that the sound levels can be very comfortable for those in the room or on the table. These transducers have very accurate frequency responses. They produce a smoother, incredibly relaxing vibration that we did not know possible before their introduction. The energy is delivered so cleanly that the brain interprets the stimulus as Sound, not Shaking™. They also do not produce anywhere near the heat that low end transducers do. This greatly improves reliability.
Q. Do you offer user support?
A. Yes. We are available by phone and email for questions before and after you purchase your table. Stephen is also available as a consultant on projects. He has been working consciously with healing frequencies since 1986 and building sound tables since the late 1990’s.
We have a Blog as well as a book .
Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition of whatever nature, and shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise. Information on this site is intended to be for educational edification and use only.